
The visible sign instituted by Christ to give grace.


Sacrament of Holy Eucharist 

Our Christian lives find their source and summit in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, particularly at Mass. In the Holy Eucharist, we share the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ under the appearance of simple bread and wine.

Formation for the reception of the Holy Eucharist begins in Kindergarten. The reception of the sacrament takes place generally in 2nd Grade after completing the application process. Formation continues through 12th Grade. Children 8 and older who have missed this sacrament will need to go through RCIA, and after full initiation they will still need to participate in parish life and continued formation.

Sacrament of Baptism

In Baptism, God claims us as daughters and sons and brings us into the Body of Christ, the Church.

If you are an adult desiring to be baptized, or have a child over the age of seven to be baptized, contact Fr. Lathrop or call one of the Parish Offices to set up Baptism date and time and to get details regarding requirements.

*Baptisms are not held during Lent except in extenuating circumstances. Baptisms for adults joining the Catholic Church typically occur at the Easter Vigil.  Contact the office to schedule.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

We all sin and fall short of the lives God calls us to lead.  Through the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Penance, we confess our sins and experience anew the complete forgiveness of our loving God.

First reconciliation takes place as part of formation in preparation for the reception of the Eucharist whether that be through RCIA or the youth Sacramental Preparation Program.

Reconciliation is available one hour prior to mass or can be scheduled by contacting Fr. Lathrop.

Use this Examination of Conscience/Awakening of Contrition to prepare for the sacrament.

Sacrament of Confirmation

Confirmation, a seal on baptism and a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit, reminds us of God’s presence with us in every moment of our lives.

Preparations for Confirmation begin in Kindergarten the sacrament takes place in 10th Grade and formation continues through 12th Grade. Formal preparations generally begin in 10th grade after acceptance through the application process. if you are transferring from another Roman Catholic religious education program or Catholic school, despite what formation took place there you will be required to submit to the application process. Additional formation may be available for those who’ve not been involved in parish life on a situational basis. Contact Shannon Greiner for more information.

Sacrament of Marriage

The love of God poured out for humanity is sanctified in the sacrament of matrimony when, as we read in Genesis 2:24, “two become one”.  If you are preparing for marriage, congratulations! Your parish family shares your joy and welcomes you to the sacrament.

Arrangements for weddings are to be made at least six months in advance of the wedding date. Please contact Fr. Lathrop to set a date and begin marriage preparation.

Contact the Parish Office at least 6 months prior to marriage for preparation as well as to look at Church availability.

If you are interested in renting space for your reception at either, please contact JoEllen O’Rourke at Saint Mary’s or Kathy Greiner at Holy Trinity to discuss and make arrangements.

Vocations to the Priesthood or Religious Life

Through this sacrament men are called by the Church to a life-time commitment of servant leadership.  They are to preach the Gospel, celebrate the sacraments, and encourage and support the people of God in their mission of service especially to the poor and needy.  There are three “orders” to the sacrament:  deacon, priest and bishop.

Please contact the parish office as there are many opportunities throughout the year to participate in different vocations events for all different age levels. A good start would also be to visit the diocesan website on vocations which can be found here.

 Prayer for Vocations

Sacrament of the Sick or Sick Calls (Holy Anointing & Holy Eucharist)

The Church celebrates the healing grace of God in this sacrament with us when we face illnesses of mind or body, when we are preparing for surgery, or when we are near death.  The anointing assures us and our loved ones of Christ’s presence with us during a time of pain and suffering.  It holds out for us the hope promised in baptism that God is a God of life and that eternal life is the ultimate gift of healing.

Contact the Parish Office or Fr. Lathrop if there is anyone at home who cannot attend Mass and receive the Sacraments because of illness or age.

Please note that in light of this public health crisis we take the health and safety of the home bound very seriously. We may not be able to visit unless death is imminent.

Please notify the Parish Office when you or a friend are hospitalized and in need of anointing. The hospital does not always contact the Parish if a parishioner is in the hospital so please be sure to have someone confirm with the parish if you or a family member wish/need to be visited!

What is RCIA?

RCIA is the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. It is for those who are looking for more information into the Catholic Faith or those Catholic adults who would like to learn more about their faith again; or those who have missed formation or sacraments. If you enter RCIA it does not mean you have to become Catholic, it simply means you would like more information. It is about building a relationship with God and the worshiping community.

Classes usually run from early September until after Easter (Easter is when those who wish to become Catholic, receive the Sacraments). For more information about RCIA or to sign up for inquiry please contact Fr. Lathrop.

You can learn more about the process by checking out the USCCB website. There is no right or wrong time to enter into the journey. Begin your journey today.